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Who We Are…
Seed in the Ground is a nonprofit, faith-based organization whose focus is on Eliminating Hunger and Spreading Hope. We seek to serve those who need food and who desire to improve their lives in both Jasper and Beaufort Counties of South Carolina. By Sowing Love and Growing Hope, we strive to help the whole person get better.
Our Impact.
Clients have more money to allocate towards rent, utilities, daycare, transportation, school supplies, prescriptions, doctor visits, savings, debt repayment, and more as a result of our food ministry program and your donations. To God be the Glory!!
Seed In The Ground
Three Year Impact: 2021 - 2023
Other stats include...
1,596 - Number of people fed
831 - Home Deliveries (Reducing clients' transportation costs)
35,925 - Value of groceries distributed to clients (Amount clients saved in real dollars for food)
Needing prayer?
With your help.
Seed In The Ground is a Mobile, Food Delivery Service designed to meet the needs of people right where they are. People who live in poverty and are food insecure, generally lack access to transportation or work schedules don't allow time to visit food pantries during their hours of operations.
We solve this problem by delivering food to their home!!